Weaver Graphics isn't the most creative name I have to admit, but that doesn't mean the designs I work on, and the services I provide, aren't. I am a one man shop working out of a home office. I don't try and promote myself as something I am not, and try to use this fact as a benefit to my clients. My rates are lower than a larger firm, and my response times are faster.
​​​​​​​Been at this a while
I have over 20 years of professional experience starting even before I graduated college in 1998. Four years at Kutztown University gave me a BFA with a specialization in Communication Design (Graphic Arts). Yes, I am one of the few people that actually made a career out of their degree. Even in high school I knew what I wanted to do, and chose a school that offered a great program.
My experience
My professional career started with Icon Graphics in Hagerstown Maryland and after roughly 3 years I took a job at Streamline Design down in Leesburg VA., also staying 3 years until the company folded thanks to the 'dot bomb' crash. My freelance career began in the wake of that shake up, until being hired by High Rock Studios. I spent 4 years designing websites, logos, and print work for them until my wife and I moved to Colorado in 2008. This was the start of Weaver Graphics as I worked from our rented house in Colorado Springs for a few years. Two beautiful kids later we are back to Maryland and currently live in Frederick.
Work together?
I have a large base of clients and my portfolio on this site is just a drop in the bucket of my work.
Please feel free to contact me if you want a referral or would like to learn more.

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